Tricia Thomas Ms. Woman United States - 2023

Ms. Woman United States - 2023

Tricia Thomas

Local business woman, Tricia Wood Thomas, recently competed in the United States National Pageants and won the Title of  Ms. Woman United States - 2023. She is a state champion speaker and a congressional advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association.


Recently, she went to Washington DC where she advocated for the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement (AIM) Advocacy Forum. Tricia is a committee member with the Northshore Alzheimer’s Association. Tricia’s father, Hubert Wood, passed away on Christmas Eve, and although her loss is recent and heartbreaking, she continues the fight as an author and speaker


Tricia advocates for early detection and warning signs of this horrible disease and respite for those caring for their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s. She has written and published a journal, “12 Steps to Journaling for Caregivers'' in honor and memory of her father. This is a journal that includes daily devotionals with support for the caregiver with a majority of the proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Association. The twelve steps in the journal focus on the healing process of the caregiver.


As Ms. Woman United States - 2023, Tricia plans to continue to advocate for Alzheimer’s awareness all across the United States including joining in walks to end Alzheimer’s and returning to Washington D.C. each year in the spring for the AIM conference as a Congressional Advocate for Congressman, Steve Scalise. In addition to this, Tricia will be giving talks on “Living as a Daughter of the King”, that will concentrate on how trauma can lead to early memory loss. She also will advocate for women’s mental health to help women find their way out of their traumatic circumstances.

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