Katherine Grigsby Miss Junior Teen United States - 2022

Miss Junior Teen United States - 2022

Katherine Grigsby

3% of children in America will go home tonight without a bed to call their own. That number may not seem like much, but that is 9,330,000 people.

My platform, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, is a nonprofit that constructs and delivers beds to kids in need. Something many of us take for granted is simply not an affordable option for many and affects millions of children across the nation. In 2021 Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivered 41,302 beds nationally. In America there are just over 250 chapters across 41 states. I am a founding member of the Birmingham South chapter.

My name is Katherine Grigsby and as Miss Junior Teen United States - 2022 it is my mission to build 1,500 beds as well as increase and encourage volunteers throughout the nation while combating this issue. Partner with me so that we can make a difference in the lives of children nationally, as our motto states: “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town.”

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