Graceson Pugh Miss Junior Teen United States - 2020

Miss Junior Teen United States - 2020

Graceson Pugh

Graceson is your Miss Junior Teen United States. She is a passionate artist who enjoys all forms of art and using her gifts to benefit others. She is the youngest in her family with two older brothers. Her oldest brother grew up as a heart patient at Children’s Hospital. His experiences led her to develop her platform, “A Work of Heart.” 

“A Work of Heart” combines her artistic talents, love for the arts and desire to raise awareness and funding for children with congenital heart abnormalities.  One out of every one hundred babies are born with a heart condition, making it the most common birth defect in the United States. During her reign, her platform service efforts will benefit the Cardiac Care Unit at Children’s Hospital. 

Graceson considers herself blessed to have been given the opportunity to coordinate with two child life specialists at Children’s. With their support she has provided 20+ handmade heart monitor carriers for the Heart center and 20+ Halloween costumes for the cardiac NICU. Graceson is currently launching an online photogenic contest, and hosting an art gala in 2021 where artists will donate a piece of art for auction. All money raised will benefit the Cardiac Care Unit at Children’s Hospital.

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