Harleigh Fortenberry Miss Pre-Teen United States - 2019

Miss Pre-Teen United States - 2019

Harleigh Fortenberry

Harleigh, from Jones County, Mississippi, is in the 8th grade and is very involved in her community at church, school, and with family.  She is an honors student, a member of Beta Club, Show Choir and has served as Class President.  In her free time, Harleigh enjoys going to church events, spending time with her friends and dancing.  Competing in pageants is also a major passion of Harleigh’s, starting in local area pageants before taking the leap to her first large scale pageant with the United States National Pageant.

Harleigh looks forward to representing the Miss Pre-Teen United States – 2019 Title by engaging with the local and national community along with promoting her platform by example.  Her platform, “Be Brave, Not a Bully” promotes an antibullying sentiment, encouraging kindness and compassion.  She started this platform in 2018 after witnessing many acts of bullying involving her classmates and friends, wanting to encourage more positivity in her immediate community.  Harleigh also has an emotional tie that drives her dedication to this project, as her brother has been a victim of harsh bullying on multiple occasions causing him to contemplate suicide.  Harleigh is an advocate of speaking up, often taking the initiative to call-out when she sees a bullying situation and starting a dialogue with both parties as to why bullying is not okay.  Putting friendship first, Harleigh offers her support if either the bully or victim need someone in which to confide. Throughout her next year as Miss Pre-Teen United States – 2019, Harleigh plans on spreading her message to all schools in her area, as well as utilizing her new social media presence and upcoming cross county appearances in hopes of promoting her platform to stop bullying.

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