
Isabella Ilacqua created our pageant almost 40 years ago with this basic principle:  Be Nice!  We expect all employees, coaches, contestants, sponsors, and vendors to “Be Nice” by following our values to build an ethical business, lead the industry, and support women’s development.

We believe that all people are important.  Within the scope of our pageant work, we want people to be happy, comfortable, and growing!  However, any of us can be frustrated with another or we can think a person is behaving poorly.  When that happens, reread our list of values, then communicate directly with the person about whom you are concerned.  Use a positive approach to build trust, share opinions and facts, and work to find a jointly suitable resolution.

If speaking directly to a person isn’t workable, contact one of the staff members to develop a path to resolving the situation.


  1. Be accountable
  2. Communicate openly and honestly
  3. Build trust, credibility, and integrity
  4. Respect others and treat them with dignity
  5. Foster teamwork, collaboration and personal space
  6. Act in the spirit of “Doing the Right Thing”

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Get in touch with our staff for complete information on how to get involved with United States National Pageants.

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